Academics » Communications


Please click on the courses below to see their descriptions.
Communication Electives

These elective courses cannot be used to fulfill the English credit requirement for graduation.

Creative writing students will study examples of successful work in a variety of genres, and then synthesize examples of their own design and creation. Students will complete analytical exercises writing original prose, poetry, and scriptwriting in fiction and nonfiction modes. Students will be challenged to write outside of their past experiences on an individual and differentiated basis. Intensive writing outside of class is necessary to successfully earn credit for this class.

Grades 11 - 12


Semester   .5 Credit

In this semester course, students will watch and analyze films for the basic elements of story including plot, character development, point of view (perspective), and theme, as well as for literary elements such as mood and tone. Students will learn about the different genres of film and the film industry. Students will also examine the films to form an understanding of the culture and the period in which the films were produced. Students will engage in writing assignments, including script writing, and they will produce their own short film.

Grades 11 - 12


Semester   .5 Credit

In this course, students will examine issues and concerns of adolescence, focusing on identity and the many different forces and factors that shape who we are and how we got here. Throughout the course, students will be exposed to high interest fiction consisting of relatable adolescent/young adult characters, plots that reflect their own experiences, and themes that are of interest to them. The majority of the course will be conducted in literature circles and students will have a voice in which texts are selected to read and analyze. Regular engagement in literary discussion and several analytical/reflective writing pieces will be necessary to successfully earn credit for this course.

Grades 9 - 12


Semester   .5 Credit

The goal of this elective semester course is to teach students how to speak formally on a variety of topics using a variety of styles and effective methods of delivery. Students will have opportunities to analyze the causes of speech anxiety and how to manage it, use technology as a tool to research their topics and organize their findings Students will learn how to effectively incorporate supporting materials from reliable sources to communicate both orally and in writing. Grading will be based on preparation of speeches as well as on oral presentation. Students in the College Career Pathways program will be given preference.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of English 1

Grades 9 - 12


Semester   .5 Credit